Howard Rosten, ATP  SMILES is pleased to congratulate Howard Rosten, who manages SMILES Assistive Technology Program, has earned his Assistive Technology Professional  (ATP) certification from RESNA.
RESNA, the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, is the leading professional organization dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of people with disabilities through the use of assistive technology solutions.  The concept of RESNA was the result of a meeting in 1979, of over 200 people who supported the creation of an organization dedicated to assistive technology.  RESNA was incorporated as a  not for profit 501(c)(3) in 1980.
Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) certification recognizes demonstrated competency in analyzing and determining the needs of individuals with disabilities, assisting in the selection of appropriate technology, and providing training in the use of the selected device(s). ATP certification covers a broad range of assistive technology including seating and mobility, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), cognitive aids, computer access, electronic aids to daily living (EADL), sensory, recreation, environmental modification, accessible transportation, and technology for learning disabilities.
RESNA promotes the highest standard of ethical conduct. RESNA members and credential service providers, including: hold paramount the welfare of persons being served, practice only in their area(s) of competence and maintain the confidentiality of privileged information, and engage in no conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest or that adversely reflects on the association and, more broadly, the professional practice. Click on this link for more information on RESNA.
Howard can be reached at 507-345-7139 (toll free: 888-676-6498). Contact Howard for personal congratulations, or for more information about Assistive Technology, SMILES Lending Library or scheduling an AT Demonstration.